Does prestigious skincare really work? This is a question every dermatologist gets asked on a daily basis. This is understandable seeing that we all yearn to find that skincare product that will provide us with that elusive youthful, radiant, healthy glow with minimal effort. So, are expensive skincare products worth the money or not?
The simple answer to that is a big YES, prestigious skincare products work great! Maybe you’re thinking, “No, my DIY avocado face mask is just as great,” or I’ll just drink gallons of water and use ponds instead.”
But are you sure you’d rather experiment with your avocado face mask rather than dig deeper into your pockets to get a well-tested product such as Ultimate Pearl Facial Peel? Just so you know, prestigious skincare manufacturers put their products through several high-end studies and tests before presenting them to their clients. Such researches and tests cost millions of dollars and surely, that must mean something?
Of course, this doesn’t mean that all expensive skincare products on the market are good, but according to study results, most people would rather buy an expensive, but thoroughly-tested product, than risk using a cheap product that may or may not react negatively with their skin types.
While it’s true that most skincare companies produce products for all skin types including dry skin, normal skin, oily skin and sensitive skin, not all companies are willing to part with hefty amounts so as to conduct quality research. As a result, most skincare products on the market today are not what they seem to be – a product that works for one person may end up damaging the skin of another, and this is especially true for individuals with extra sensitive skin.
What makes a product expensive?
As we have already seen, a good product must first go through several types of research before finally being presented to consumers. Unfortunately, this kind of research doesn’t come cheap, and this is why most skincare companies choose to either conduct useless researches or to avoid them altogether. On the other hand, prestigious skincare companies have a reputation to consider and would never think of avoiding crucial researches in a bid to save some cash.
The ingredients that go into skincare products also determine how cheap or expensive they get. Unfortunately, in a bid to reap huge profits, some skincare companies choose to compromise quality which means that the ingredients they claim to have used on their products are fictional or imaginary. Unfortunately, using fake or poor quality cosmetics comes with a lot of negative consequences including premature aging, damaged skin, recurring headaches, hair loss, skin cancer and a whole lot of chronic diseases.
But when it comes to prestigious skincare products, only the highest quality ingredients are used such as Gold, pearls, Diamonds, essential oils, and other organic ingredients that assist in the cleansing, detoxifying, and conditioning of the skin.
Quality skincare ingredients happen to be quite pricey – for example, an ounce of organic rose oil, an ingredient that is commonly present in most prestigious skincare products, goes for approximately $500. Some skincare companies would find that price too high and consequently choose to use non-organic rose oil, which is much cheaper, instead. At the end of the day, the difference between a prestigious or expensive product such as Ultimate Pearl Facial Peel and a cheaper alternative gets clear.
All in all, while there is a lot more that determines how cheap or expensive a skincare product gets, it is evident that while prestigious skincare products tend to be a bit pricey, they are safer and more effective than their cheaper counterparts.